Gary P Laird
On this page, I am to tell you a little about myself. In the picture on the left of your screen shows me wearing a Kung-Fu uniform. I am not a fake. I have spent forty years studying and practicing various styles of martial arts. It may seem this is bragging about myself, please, believe, me I am not the bragging kind.
During my life I have worked many jobs I hated and can tell young and old try your best to work your passion. If you don't know what your passion is try different things. You more than likely will find you have at least half a liking for whatever it is you acquire a liking for, then work it with all you have in you.
I always wanted to be an artist and didn't go to school for art until I was sixty-three. How sad? As a young boy, I lived a lonely and secret life, an inner world of sadness thinking I could not learn anything. thinking I was stupid and felt inferior to others. There is much to my story but no room for it here. Perhaps a future novel.
During my years I started several businesses some were successful to a small degree and others forced out of business for lack of enough monetary influx. I am telling whoever comes to the site and browses through don't let fear stop you from taking chances on your dream at any age. Go for it.
As you can see the site has a a verity of material, like gospel books, fiction, and graphic novels.